Friday, September 11, 2009

Me: Version 3.0

Is it possible to wake-up an entirely different person?

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve come upon the realization that I actually like to cook. More impressively, I’m not half bad at it. Yeah, I know, absolutely incomprehensible. Apparently it has been the bad attitude, lack of planning, distaste of washing dishes, and absence of time that have stood in my way all of this time.

Over the past two weeks, Kate and I have perfected two variations of granola. We’ve also managed to miraculously create a kick-ass roasted red pepper hummus. On another night we made oatmeal-wheat-banana pancakes. Shockingly fan-freaking-tastic. I’ve also become a sheer genius at making swiss oats; if there were a swiss oat making competition, I would certainly be medal worthy. Queen of the oats.

However, I didn’t realize quite how out of control I was until today at work when I told a coworker that I had ordered a pizza peel and 5 quart dough bucket to make some artisan bread this weekend. Her head promptly rotated 180 degrees; she exited my office and inspected the door just to confirm that she had entered the correct office.

I simply cannot explain this transformation. The domestic fairy must have visited in my sleep. I am hoping next time the patience fairy, Banana Republic fairy, anti-procrastination fairy, or extra-hours-in-the-day fairy shows up instead.

I’d love to know what fairy is needed at your house …


Amy said...

I don't even know what swiss oats are...and yet I'm impressed.

Call Me Cate said...

Whoa, I didn't even know your house had a kitchen!!! I kid, I kid... Sorta.

Congrats on the new-found domestic ability and interest! I love to cook and bake even though it doesn't always turn out well.

Paige said...

Oh you are so gonna love the bread!!!


i normally don't like to cook either but found that planning out my menu for the week gives me focus and makes the thought of 'what are we having for dinner' not so diabolical.

visiting from sunshine and rainbows

C. Beth said...

Ooh, ooh, ooh, is it Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day? You know I'm super duper excited if it is! :)

Jeanne Estridge said...

Wow! I had to leave and come back again to ensure I was at the right blog....

Anonymous said...

I need the procrastination fairy, the get off your ass fairy, and the lotto fairy right about now.

I get visited by the cooking fairy occasionally - (like earlier this summer when I began CANNING and making homemade grape jelly and apple butter, and went out and bought laying hens for fresh eggs???) but she usually comes back a week or a month later and takes back whatever she left behind :(.

Grand Pooba said...

baaahhh?!? Usually when people say they like cooking, its caseroles and muffins. What's this artisan what? Oatmeal wheat what? I have never heard of these things you speak of!

Kim A said...

Hmmm... the help-me-move-quickly fairy, the money fairy... oh and the maid fairy.