Earlier this week, I was reading Ann’s Blog and she had a post that provided so much entertainment, that I can’t help myself but to steal it and play it here. Originally it was supposed to be a “list 10 honest things about you” type of post. I mean, really, do you care to know that much about me anyway? But Ann spiced it up and posted nine truths and one lie which was much more fun. So, humor me and guess which of the following is a BIG FAT LIE.
1. In preschool, I recited the alphabet in French instead of English. My mom was the “room mom” of the day and was not aware that I knew my alphabet in any language.
2. In Key West, we accidentally meandered into an awesome store named Peppers, which amazingly only sold Pepper-related things. We got drunk in the middle of the afternoon with the owners instead of exploring the rest of the island with our “cruise ship comrades”.
3. I spontaneously got a tattoo while vacationing in Sun Valley, Idaho.
4. I once met Maya Angelou when she was a guest at a hotel I worked at. We chatted in the lobby while she enjoyed her nightcap. I refrained from asking for her autograph, as it was strictly against company policy. In retrospect, it would have totally been worth the job sacrifice to have done it anyway considering she is one of my favorite authors of all time. Why do I always have to be such a good upstanding employee?
5. After a few too many drinks at the Voo Doo Lounge in Vegas, my friend Tiffany and I ended up in a fountain at Caesars Palace. What happens in Vegas gets written about on the internet baby!
6. I once babysat Alan Trammell’s children.
7. When I was 8 and my sister was 6, my parents would often fly us to my grandparent’s house (courtesy of dad’s employer); despite the fact that they were only a five-hour drive away and that we were mere unattended children.
8. I changed my major in college four times before I finally decided what I wanted to be when I grew up.
9. I was once chased by a black bear through the woods. I illegally entered a neighbor’s vacant house for safety while the bear roamed around outside licking his chops and envisioning a lunch that included my appendages.
10. I’ve only broken one bone in my body. It was the result of a foot-reclining chair accident. The chair won.
Go ahead and guess … then you will have to return for the big reveal. Unless my list has totally scared you away and you don’t want to be associated with such company. In that case, I totally understand. I feel that way about myself on occasion.
I’m not really good at blog-games (they typically have rules and require instructions, and we all know how well I do in that area), so I am not passing this on to anyone. If you are so inclined, feel free to use it on your blog and play along.
(Insert Jeopardy music here)
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i would like to say that the broken bone because of the chair, but i know how easy it is to hurt yourself (i dislocated my knee playing handball, i mean that's just embarrassing right?) so I'm going to say the alphabet cos this may be a trick question and i may sound really stupid but i googled it on wikipedia and the french alphabet looks the same as the english one, just said in a different accent. (i did learn that w is a vowel in Belgium gotta love wiki!)
love wilwarin
I think I'll go for the bear story....
Girl, I don't even know how anyone could possibly compete with any of these. Mine would be things like "Once wore different colored socks to work."
I'm going with the bear.
Going with the bear story...
Bear... all the way. Only because I know for a fact a couple of them are true and the others just totally sound like you...
I was going to pick the bear. But now I'm feeling all defiant and refuse to be a sheeple. BEARS EAT SHEEPLE!!! So I'm going with changing your major four times. I bet it was three. Or five.
When I was tagged with a ten truths recently, I totally thought about doing one of them as a lie. But I didn't. And now you'd say I'm copying you. Maybe another day.
I'm going to copy Cate and say the major is a lie as well :-)
I am going with number 8 because it seems just to obvious and you are very clever so it was probably more or less than 4. I thought about going with the bear thing until I remembered where you grew up - and that could happen there I suppose -but only to you:)
Is it number one? Sounds suspiciously like FONDUE!!!! Its probably the tatoo one, though.
Thanks for the linky, what a nice surprise!
I think the bear story is a fib!
I think it's the tattoo--no details.
I guessing the tattoo!
Peace -Rene
I'm going with the major! I get the impression that you have always known what you wanted! However, these are all quite believable!
I'm guessing it's the babysitting story. I think it was more like "talk on the phone & watch cable TV"!
#1- alphabet in french.
jana :)
This is a fun idea - I may just 'borrow' it over the weekend! :)
I'm guessing *looks around for something no-one's picked yet* the fountain. Is there a prize?
oh man, this is tough...let me go with #10.
I'm thinking #9, the bear story, but it might just may outrageous enough to be true!!
If that is the case, then #2 or #3.
I'm guessing the preschool one is the lie (not that I don't believe that you were a brilliant child...)
This is tough! I'm guessing that #9 is a lie.
Great fun!!
I hope the vegas story is a lie because I can only imagine what's in that water!
I'm gonna go with the bear story ... and I think I'm gonna steal this stolen idea from you for my blog at some point .. lol
I left a little somethin for you on my blog ;)
It's either the french alphabet or the bear.
I think!
This was fun.I should try to do it.
i am going to have to go with the bear story! I may hav eto do this this weekend on my blog...fun!
Well I didn't guess before since I really don't know you that well, but your new post has inspired me. I'm going to be different from the herd and guess the one about flying on the plane. I know everyone guessed the bear one, but it seems to me like that sort of thing can't be made up.
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