Wait, wait, wait; I am supposed to be the one calling the shots people!
The whole ordeal made me quite nostalgic. How did you get so big? When did all of this happen? I still remember you being my itty bitty Nugs. Nugs, Nugget, Boo, Boo-Baby, Bug, Peanut, Peanut Butter, Kater-bug; you'll always be all of these to me.

I look so sweet and innocent here. This will serve me well when I get older.
I am crazy in love with you and words just can't do it justice tonight (or any other night for that matter). Let it be known that you are wild and crazy, but it really just makes mommyhood all that more rewarding.

Little do they know, I am plotting revenge people, revenge! Or, I can be bought with M&M's.
You only have four more days left before you turn three. Please excuse me while I try to remove the giant watermelon that is permanently lodged in my throat.

No, really, it wasn't me ... I have no idea what you are talking about mommy.
I hope you never lose your spunk, your curiousity, and your determination. I am continuously both amazed and grateful that I am lucky enough to be entrusted as your mom.
Awe...she's beautiful!
What adorable pictures! She is so lovely. I am in awe of her hair, my poor daughter turned 4 in Oct and can't get her hair to grow past her shoulders!
I hope Kate has a blast turning 3. And enjoy what I like to refer to as the "Oh Dear God Threes". The Terrible Twos are nothing in comparison. And especially with what I've learned about Kate, it sounds like you are going to get a run for your money. In the best way, of course :)
She is so beautiful!! I love the one of her looking over her shoulder--all of them are just awesome though.
We are definitely experiencing the "Oh Dear God Threes" Claire talked about....
OMG she's SO adorable!!
I have a similar ridiculous silly name for my daughter that takes up about 10 lines! ;)
You're such a cutie mommy!!
I like the last one best. And are you sure she's only 3? I was sure she must be at least 12.
Gorgeous! Though I agree with Cate, she looks much older than three - we have 7-year-old Brownies who look younger! :)
Such CUTE pics of Kate :) Good job mommy!
Mine is 2 years and 5 months...and I feel like I just plopped (HA, that sounds like it was easy)her out.
One of my other bloggy friends posted about her daughters today also and the one thing I wrote is hearing my daughters laughter fills my heart and sometimes takes my breath away.
I hear you watermelon in throat!
Cheers to us and our daughters.
We are seriously at the start of the Oh Dear God Three's; thanks for taking away the light at the end of the tunnel LOL!
She might ACT like she's twelve and THINK that she's twelve and have the ATTITUDE of a twelve year old, however she's only 28 pounds of pre three-year-old :)
Your blog was the last thing I read before I went to bed last night and I apparently didn't close out because when my husband came to bed he said "that little girl on the computer is so cute!" True story. And he's right. She is so cute! Great pics!
She is absolutely beautiful and she looks like you too! What a little angel she is!
oh what a cutie, and that hair is gorgeous!
She's just beautiful! Looks a bit like Mommy....
She is absolutely precious! I hope you have a baseball bat, because you're going to need it to beat away the boys when she's older!
Darling pictures. Happy Birthday, Kate!
Absolutely gorgeous!
Great pictures! She photographs really well. My daughter turned 3 on Friday. It's amazing how quickly they grow.
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