This weekend we went to a Christmas tree farm to pick out our tree. I find the idea of farms like this totally amusing. You get the liberty of saying you went into the woods and cut down your own Christmas tree. That sentence carries implication of sweat, hard work, and dedication. However, what you don’t need to disclose is the fact that the farm is designed in rows, where you literally drive up and down each, in search of the ideal tree. Upon identification of said tree, you place the vehicle in park, step out of the car, and quickly cut the tree down. It’s no pain and all gain. That is how we roll around here. Take heart that we will gladly proclaim that we spent Saturday cutting down our own Christmas tree IN THE WOODS. Yes, and in TWENTY DEGREE weather. I’m exhausted just writing about it.

It did take slightly longer than anticipated, but doesn’t everything with a toddler? It was right about this time that I started to get cold. We will say that despite my husbands' best advice, my approach to dressing leaned more towards fashion sense and not common sense. Instead of enjoying the tree cutting experience, I stood there freezing my ass off, fighting off thoughts in my head that included the words “Craig was right” and “I should have dressed warmer” in the same sentence.
Tommy Boy has ruined me forever, so when I look at this photo, all I can think about is Fat Tree On a Little Truck…

We made it home with the tree still intact, deeming the whole experience a whopping success. Our expectations aren't too high around here.
what fun!!
HOW awesome is that!?>! We would never be able to do that in Florida, ha.
Can you cut me a tree and bring it to me?
We've always had fake trees so this is one thing I've never done so it was fun to live vicariously through you!
OMG, your a Saucy Blog today....go check it out SITSa! :)
I miss those days as a kid. I remember going to a tree farm in the country. Thos was like 25 years ago. Before trees were in rows. And there was definetly no driving. But it was fun and I still remember it! So will she!
Oh my goodness I'm so glad not everyone has gone artificial on me! Those pix are priceless too - love it!
Congrats on being saucy!
Hi came over via your sauciness at SITS. Sounds like a great tree adventure. We just have a plastic one at present, but there are a few around to cut down if i could be bothered.
Stopping by from SITS today to celebrate your saucy week!
I love seeing and hearing about this tree chopping experience. I've never done that and I'm a tad bit jealous even though it was 20 degrees.
i have always wanted to do the clark griswold tree cute!
I don't think I've ever cut down my own Christmas tree, although we ARE live tree people. It looks and sounds so romantic to cut your own tree down!
Cute pictures! and congrats on being a saucy blog!
I remember when I was a little girl we always had real trees - loved that smell! Congrats on being SAUCY!!
Yay for being saucy blog friend! And I'm sure your tree is beautiful!
Linking in from SITS! I love that you cut down your own tree! You are too funny...I love the line "Fat tree on a little truck!" this made me laugh out loud!
I love cutting our own tree too ;)
Make it a great day!
I love, love, love the pic of your girl looking up at the tree. Congrats on being "Saucy."
congrats on being SAUCY!!!
snow = i'm jealous!!! :D
Everytime I hear about someone cutting their own tree I think of the Griswolds and how they forgot to bring a saw about trekking through the woods and freezing Audrey.
I'm such a wimp about the cold, we bought our (real! pre-cut!) tree for $13.99 at Lowe's. Quick & painless. Tee-hee. :-)
BTW, Tommy Boy? One of my all-time favorite movies.
so very kewl! i've never had a real christmas tree before. i bet it was alot of fun! congrats on being featured this week on SITS!
I admire people who brave the elements for a real tree...our adventure is in the basement
Love the pictures. Congratulations have a great SAUCY week! .
ALOHA!! I wish I was there. Christmas just isn't the same without snow :(
Congrats on being Saucy! Looks like you guys had fun!
Over from SITS...
Congratulations on your SAUCINESS!
very cool to cut down your own tree
Ok... that first picture deserves to be on a Christmas card. That's stunning!
Congrats on being SAUCY!
You know, I don't think that there is anything wrong with fashion sense over common sense. Husbands should be the "man" and get out and do all the tree chopping anyway. . .
Thanks for entering my giveaway! Good luck to you!
We have a fake tree -- and we can't even lay claim to picking it out ourselves. We got married a week before Christmas (almost 3 years ago) so it was a wedding present. Someday we'll have a real tree, though, and we'll even cut it down ourselves!! :)
i totally understand your tree demise. It is a love hate relationship really. But i am sure the tree looks lovely. If it makes you feel better, my husband had to have shoulder surgery right after we got the tree home so i did everyone on my own...i think he had the planned out! ha!
and fashion really does come first.
Congrats on your Sauciness:)
Whoa! That's not what our Christmas tree farms look like! It hardly ever snows here.
Congrats on being saucy! :)
Despite the cold (I live in Maine, I KNOW cold!) it looks like you guys had a great time.
I have just spent the last two hours roaming around your blog. I honestly meant to just come out for a quick peek and to say hello and then come back when I had more time. I got sorta comfy though. Hope that's OK!
Will definitely be back. Congrats on being Saucy this week!
I've done that one time and it was fun. Real trees are the best, love 'em.
Great tree. Congratulations on being saucy:-)
Loved the picture of your Little One walking down the road. Very nice.
How much fun is that? I remember going to cut down our tree from when I was a little girl. Those kinds of memories stick with you...I have no memory of just how cold it was though. lol.
Have a SAUCY week!
Looks like you had a really good time!!
Found you at SITS
Hehe sounds like fun and you get the joy of saying you battled nature and won. ;)
Congrats on being saucy.
I have to do a tree farm this year, we don't have snow but it sounds like fun. :)
Oh...I miss that! We now live in the valley of the sun, and I have to have a "fake" tree or it just dies to soon. When we lived in Washington state, that was tradition. We'd haul into the hills and cut down the hugest tree.
I love the smell of pine. It makes the house feel so Christmasy:)
That is AWESOME! It's like a Griswald Christmas come true! Congrats on being Saucy! :)
How fun! And beautiful pictures. Did 2 rednecks in a crappy truck ride your behind so you had to merge under a log hauling 18 wheeler?
I'm a little late posting a comment for you today but just wanted to say congrats on being Saucy. Tomorrow I'll try to visit you again and read more.
Have a great night
congrats on being saucy.
sounds like you all had a lot of fun getting your tree. Next year just get some hand and feet warmers! They last up to 7 hours and you will stay toasty warm :)
Nice pictures of the tree cutting. The snow makes it really Christmasy. Congrats on being Saucy this week.
Congrats on being a saucy SITSta!
Fat tree on a little truck--that's funny!
Congratulations being a Saucy Blog!
Wow! That is awesome! I love having a real tree.. and to cut it down yourself is a real treasured memory!
congratulations on being saucy! i've read a few of your posts just now. you are hilarious!!!
I love the pictures, thanks for sharing Saucy SITSta!
Well, trust me sweetie...I am from the dEEEEEP south (where we only see snow in pics and TV and it rarely gets below the 40's and THAT is COLDer than a horse's petute. So as far as I am did WORK at this. Heck, it took a lot of strength and will to get out there in that cooooold weather!
As far as "dressing" for the part --- One always has to be stylin'..because ya never know who might be lurking in them there woods! xo..deb
Hey girl-- You're Saucy!!! I was Saucy last week so I know Saucy! Love the Christmas tree post. I would rather freeze than dress in ugly, uncoordinating outwear!
I'll be back!
It sounds like a fabulous memory!
Oh my gosh! Fun!
I've had a fake tree my whole life....allergies...blah!
beautiful pictures. looks like fun. i think i'll just stick with my fake pencil tree though - it's much easier to just haul it up from the basement. :)
have a great day. visiting from SITS.
Beautiful pics!
So's 80 degrees here in California!
Beautiful Pictures!
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