Where does that leave me? Well, I’ve finished everything except for the research paper and PowerPoint. It’s great that I’ve made it through that much, not so great that there is still that much left to do. When Cate and Betsy offered to, ahem, assist with my paper, my first reaction was I can’t let the INTERNET do my homework. Now I am wishing I didn’t have morals, because I can’t think of anything I’d enjoy more than having the INTERNET completing my research paper right now.
If you are interested in seeing if I survive, check back tonight. I promise to post a celebratory message.
On a different note, I am sorry for all of the school-related talk. Often I get bloggers-block and can’t think of anything to write about. For some odd reason, lately I’ve been overflowing with blog fodder. I can’t wait to put a big check mark next to SCHOOL, so I can get back to my regularly scheduled writing.
Hot Mama!! And Smart Mama, too!
Great job!!! What a relief!
Has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like Angela Kinsey, from The Office? At least in that picture you do.
Congrats on your 88%! That's great, especially with everything you had going on. I bet it's a relief to have that over with.
Your hair is GORGEOUS. Do you just sit around all day admiring it? I would! :-)
Congrats on being almost done!!
Congrats and good luck finishing up. I am finishing a Ph.D. so I have been "there" soooo many semesters somehow the adrenaline gets you through it every time. I have no classes now, just the big diss--lucky me.
oh, and I am guessing you haven't even been tempted to cheat.
Congrats on being a saucy blog!
You're totally rocking your way through the workload. And still keeping us entertained! (Or, maybe, giving yourself some much-needed breaks?)
Good luck finishing up today. Tomorrow, you can wake up and it will all be behind you. I'll check in then for your Snoopy dance.
If it makes you feel any better I thoroughly enjoy your school related blogs!! I start back up full time in 4 weeks after a 5 year hiatus and to see you survive school with your work schedule and being a mom and wife gives me hope that I will be able to pull through just fine :)
Your picture is pretty. 1st visit and I love your sense of humor.
Want to switch places for a day? I'll finish all your work (english major) and you can come sit at my job..and...do....not...too...much. I miss school :-( Good luck with your stuff!!
Annje - I'd LOVE to chat about PhD school sometime. I've gone back and forth about that being my next step forever!
Kara - Are you kidding me? I hate my hair; always have. This is actually a new look, called I can't care enough to do more than wash it. Amazingly enough I think it's at it's best, LOL!
Everyone else - hugs for the comments, I'll try to address you all later :)
Congtrats girl! Now...back to work!
oops, that's from Randy...forgot too change login name...wink
B+ is nothing to sneeze at! Be proud. Hope you get through the rest of it.
There are times when morals are over rated! And I think you look like you're doing very well inspite of all the pressure. Good hair!
So you work full time, go to school part time, have a husband and child and yet you have time to BLOG EVERY DAY????? Do you sleep????
I'm in awe. Seriously.
Woot, woot....Do you prefer white tequila or gold in your margaritas!
Can't wait for today to end for you.....:)
You're almost done! Woohoo!!!
Yay you! Go you! Hey, if a grade of C is average, then a B+ makes you abouve average! That's all that would matter to me!
I think its a beautiful photo!
Brilliant job on the final. I'm sure you must be relieved its over and especially with everything you have on your plate.
Ooh, I like your shirt!!!!! :)
Looking forward to that celebratory post.
Beth, LOL! One of my lovely coworkers walked into my office yesteday and cocked her head and started at me. I said, WHAT? She said, "Oh, I am just trying to decide if I like your shirt or not."
Oh, okay, because I cared enough to ask ... LOL
Back to typing ... on page 10 (of 15) when your email dinged!
Yay for you! I couldn't even imagine having kids and going to school. I just wouldn't have the brainpower! Keep on trucking ... you're almost there!
And may I say you have lovely hair and such nice blue eyes! Great photo...even if you were comatose!
oh...and thanks for the recommendation of that guy's blog the other day (Life)...it was great!
relieved first. ecstatic later. congrats on the 88%
Congrats on completing your final!!!
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