I really like the whole “ignorance is bliss” approach to life. I’ve also really come to realize that ignorance is typically cheaper and less stressful as well. I don’t profess to be the healthiest person, or most cautious consumer, but there are a few areas that are nonnegotiable in our house.
At some point last year, I became aware of the fact that there was no FDA regulation on cosmetics, which also included baby lotions and wash. Upon further inspection, I found that many of the “popular” brands that we were using were being linked to a variety of cancers and reproductive issues. I know some people take the whole “something is going to kill you” approach, but when it comes to a little one, it’s just not kosher with me.
You've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run.
So, it was one of the first changes we made – looking for natural, safe baby wash and lotions. I’ve tried a handful, spent a fortune, and not liked any. Until … I found this product at Target. I love Method’s line anyway, but their new baby line is to die for. Semi-reasonably priced and smells so good I want to use it myself. The only downside? It doesn’t make a lot of bubbles, but we can live with that.

Even if you don’t “go natural” in this area, you won’t find scent this yummy. Because I love this so much and want to share the joy, I'm going to do my first ever giveaway. To enter, leave a comment and tell me what items you "go green" or "go organic" with. If your answer is nothing, that's okay too. I am an equal opportunity gifter. If you don't have a Google account and post under anonymous, make sure to leave your name in your comment!
If you are a fellow blogger and refer someone here who wins, I'll send you one too.
This post was not endorsed by Method. Method has no idea who I am. Check back tomorrow for our winner.
I really like the Method products. I also use Jason Natural products and Kiss My Face.
Oh, that looks fantastic! I like Method and had no idea they made baby stuff. I will definitely try that next time I'm getting baby shampoo, which will be soon.
We use mostly green cleaners. I have reusable bags that I forget to use, so that doesn't count.... We recycle the limited things that are allowed through our curbside program.
I don't buy a lot of organic foods but do try to use fewer foods with weird artificial ingredients and flavors than I used to. That's not to say I don't use any.
Great giveaway and a funny post!
I clean organically with vinegar and water or baking soda and vinegar. I go green by bringing my canvas bags to the grocery store and other shopping places too!
I love to blog too! Came across your post on BC. I also did not knoe method had babystuff. I have been using their cleaners and last time I was at target I bought Green dishwashing detergent.
I use mostly green household cleaners - I would love to try Method baby products, they look wonderful!!
Thank you for the giveaway!
kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com
e grow our own organic veggies and we use those power saving light bulbs.I use mostly green type cleaning products and I use filtered water instead of bottled.
Canvas bags all the way. We have a huge recycling garbage can outside our door. We will begin composting our food waste at the new house. I dont use ziploc baggies, refuse to even buy them. Brian takes his sandwiches in re-washable containers AND if it's the last piece of bread he uses the bread bag to take his sandwich in - so it gets used twice. I carry my lunch, my everything in canvas bags. Former plastic bag addicts we are! :) Not a single one in our house! :)
Green with water conservation, regulating electricity, taking public transport, (some) organic foods and cleaners, canvas bags, cutting out artificial ingredients - I do my best!
I have never tried Method products, but would love to!
I do my best to either go "green" or "organic." It really all depends on the price and what is available. My daughter (almost 2) has her bouts with baby eczema, sometimes her face gets so bad it will crack and bleed. As a mom you know seeing your baby in pain throws you into a panic of desperation and frustration. I have not used the Method products before for the nearest Target is an hour away. I have found that the Aveeno naturals does wonders for her. They have a line of lotion, shampoo and cream. I am happy to say as she gets older she doesn't seem to "flare" as much or as bad, but I still thank god for the great thing that nature's products do for us.
This is the third "friend" I have (well, 2 I have met in real life!) who recommended this. Please keep my babies from cancer. Can I win this? I have no money for new babywash!
We are changing the light bulbs to CFLs and I've become a reusable bag fan. It's a start...
Okay...I gotta post too. I actually haven't tried this. We are using aveeno per recomendation from our Dr. We are trying to get a little better about going green, but we have a long way to go. Thanks!
hey there! sasha sent me :) i'd love to try this..i love method's ethic for green products
I am all green with cleaning prodcuts, which I make myself!
I am going to have to check out that baby line. I did not know Method made baby products! Thanks for the heads up! : )
We do vinegar/water/essemntial oils for daily cleaning, and I buy organic fruits and veggies whenever possible. We also use reusable cloth bags. Pretty much the same things most people do these days!
We have began recycling cans but have had a hard time finding a place to recycle our water bottles. I love Target and will start trying out their Method products.
This post has made me more aware to look at the ingrediants in my baby's lotions. Thank you.
I go green by using cavas totes to shop, using environemental/health friendly cleaners, we own one car that gets great gast mileage, our recycling curbside can is usually busting while our garbage bin has been only half full, and for the future I have a plans to host an organic garden for a lower income family and my own family.
Very nice give away!
Hi, I heard about your give away from Sasha. I take the bus when ever I can, recycle everything I can and encourage all my family and friends to also. I have changed all my light bulbs to the energy efficient ones. Hang my clothes to dry in the basement. I eat organic when I can afford it and buy products made from recycled products when available.
We are slowly switching to more organic foods, and we are trying to become more "green." Thanks for the post tipping me off. Also, thanks "c. beth" for tipping me off from your blog to this one.
Thanks to my BEAUTIFUL (identical twin) sister c.beth for linking me to this! :)
We go green on lots of things, but our most recent is eggs. We have started buying organic free-range eggs -- it was the melamine in Chinese eggs a couple of weeks ago that convinced me. Did you know they sell Chinese EGGS in the US???!! Anyway, we aren't much of an egg family at all, only buying them a few times a year, so I figure we can afford to pay 3 times as much!
I also try to follow the 80/20 rule for food shopping: 80% fresh, non-processed (mostly fruits and veggies, but we buy a limited amount of poultry) and 20% processed (although for us, that is usually things like Kashi cereal and bars and organic frozen meals for me to bring to work when I haven't managed to make a lunch).
First, Beth refered me! :)
I go green with my own cloth shopping bags. Most were made from scrap material that we had laying around the house anyway. I also use an organic bodywash, & soap. Check out my post yesterday for a link to my fave supplier. We use the lower energy light bulbs, unplug appliances that aren't being used, and coordinate all of our trips so that we are the most efficient & use the least amount of gas. Oh, and we recycle. We have boxes in our garage for paper, plastic, & aluminum. Not a whole lot makes it into our trashcan these days.
Beth sent me here. :-)
I love Method products. We're on our first bottle of the Method baby wash too, and that is great stuff. It's very reasonably priced, too - a lot cheaper than California Baby products!
I just had my first baby 3 months ago and haven't "gone green" with anything yet...although my family is big on recycling.
Oh...and Beth sent me!
Beth sent me...
I agree - I think most baby products are scary - I buy the Burt's Bees usually but it is very expensive. My biggest "green" approach is the resuable bags. I am working on getting better!
We go green in lots of ways:
- We use reusable shopping bags, both for groceries and other types of shopping
- We use eco-friendly, biodegradable cleaners or a combo of vinegar, lemon juice and peroxide
- We use cloth towels instead of paper towels
- We buy concentrated, natural laundry detergent
I could go on all day :)
Email: jennae {at} greenyourdecor {dot} com
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