Monday, November 24, 2008

I prefer to think it adds character

I have this weird habit that drives Craig crazy. We all have our idiosyncrasies, but why do people feel compelled to point out exactly what it is that you do that is odd? If you think you don’t have a strange quirk, come and hang out with me for a few and I’d be happy to tell you what yours is. I think people who think they are the most normal are the furthest from it. I’m not Freud, but I think I am on to something.

So, back to me, because we all know I’m far from perfect, I have no qualms about sharing. I don’t use salt on my food often and when I do, I only use a teeny, tiny bit. However, I can’t just shake the salt on my food. I have to hold out my hand and shake the salt over my fingers, onto my food. I don’t get it, it makes no sense, so don’t ask. I justify it by thinking that I’m intuitively making sure I don’t put too much salt on there. It drives my husband nutty, but I can’t help it. It’s like a tick.

In the event of a marital dispute (assuming that we would ever engage in such an activity), I don’t need to yell, scream, or kick. All I need to do is grab the salt shaker and start using it to prove victorious. The annoyance will be so distracting that he’ll forget what we were arguing about. It’s a little tactic that I am glad to have in my arsenal, you know, in the event that I’d ever need it. Should I be disheartened that I have the ability to inflect such annoyance on another person? Oh good, because I don’t.

So, what is your most annoying quirk?

If you don’t know what it is, ask the person closest to you, I am sure they’ll share.


Is this thing on?


The Farmers Wife said...

Dude, I feel like I am the queen of weird. Hubster watches me eat cause he knows I will do something odd. I like to eat things evenly. Like fudge, I eat it strategically to keep the piece even. I dont like volume controls on odd numbers, I cut everything to be exactly even... See now I am looking like a crazy person. What I MEANT was I know someone like that, not me. ahem. yes. So tell your hubs that it could be worse.

Lyndsay said...

LOL, I forgot to add the disclaimer that that isn't my ONLY quirk, just consider it the quirk of the day ...

Tia said...

I count steps. Also, when I am transferring laundry from the washer to the dryer, I have to do it in 7 transfers. I will seriously leave one article left just so it will be 7. Hmm, what else, Oh! I love stale popcorn. I will pop it in the morning for my snack at night. Weird! I can't believe I am admitting to this!!

Jenners said...

So funny! I'm sure my beloved husband could provide you with a 100 item list of things I do that annoy him but one that I do all the time is ask him what time it is (because I never wear a watch), instantly tune out by thinking of something else when he responds, and then ask him again 1 minute later what time it is because I didn't listen to him the first time.

Perhaps that isn't so much a quirk as something really annoying that I do all the time. I'm going to ask him when he gets home and see what he says. I'll let you know!

C. Beth said...

Ha! I love your "quirk" and think it's very funny how much it annoys Craig.

Let's annoys the crap out of The Engineer that I like to do things while I'm watching TV, especially if those things involve the computer. And he nearly blows a gasket if I ask what's going on because I've missed something.

I don't understand why he takes it so personally when I'm not as interested in a TV show as he is...and he doesn't understand it either. I guess that's one of HIS quirks!

C. Beth said...

Let me edit that a bit--I don't think it's funny as in, "Ha ha, I'm laughing at your husband's misery!" I think it's funny because it's rather quirky that it bothers him. :)

Anonymous said...

okay, I can never take the top newspaper in a stack, always the second or third. If i say more, I am afraid it could easily slip from being a quirk to some formal diagnosis. So I will stop now thank you.

Makita Jazzqueen said...

Ohh, I have so many quirks, like smelling the book's pages, or always working at school with the same colours, never ever using a different colour for something, never.
One of my strangest habits, that annoys most everyone, is that I take three hundred hours to eat. I set everything, pause, then start eating a bit of something, pause, cut a bit of something else... To sum up, take my time. In my defense, I take more time than the rest to eat because I wear braces, I feel as though they were going to fall. But that isn't an excuse, I've always taken my time to eat.

My realive's, Armando, greatest quirk is to clean fruit before eating it. He won't bite any fruit if its peeling doesn't look like a mirror. We often make fun of this, he has the oddest quirks. = )

(Palmerita wins the prize for the most quirky, she wears super thick clothes even in Summer... But because they don't let her show her tattoes at school...)

Dar Levy said...

LOL, ... I can't think of any quirks; to me, they all seem natural. ... but I think I'm going to have to find one that has the power to distract like your salt over the fingers... Precious! :)

Bea said...

I'm getting over this quirk but for about two months straight I ate almost nothing but vegemite sandwiches. It's partly cos I'm an Australian, partly cos someone dared me.
Anyway, over the two months of having at least 3 sandwiches a day, I built up my tolerance so instead of the tiniest scraping with lots of butter I now can eat straight Vegemite! I even have to add salt to things like peanut butter! I'm starting to get over this after my mum joked about Vegemite rehab.
So yes, I think i do have a quirk.

♥ Braja said...

Sugar grains. I'm the same: I practically COUNT the things...I go nuts when someone wants to make me a coffee: just put the pot down and LEAVE IT ALREADY!! Why do they want to pour your milk, add your sugar...grrr...

OK breathe...

♥ Braja said...

Andi: omg, neither can i :) I always take the 3rd one down. OCD. I know it.

Jessica said...

Ok...because I love you and since you probably already know this incredibly stupid quirk of mine I will share for you and all your readers. I have a nice little "habit" of not eating the last bite of anything! It is seriously a chemical imbalance. Whether it be a sandwich, cookie or heaven forbid a candy bar I just can't finish it! This usually starts a nice little "tiff" at the dinner table in which my husband thinks he needs to obsess over the fact that I do this. For some reason this bothers him. There is just ONE more quirk of mine that bothers my husband... FOOD CAN'T TOUCH. On any account, for no reason! Food touching is unacceptable. Hopefully my "quirks" help you feel better about yourself. So the next time Craig gives you crap just tell him it could be worse and he could be eating with me!

The Rambler said...

Just catching up on all my blog reading...this was funny. I had just posted tonight 7 questions I "asked" my HUBBY. One of them was this question....his answer made me laugh so hard.