Last night I made dinner. Now pick your jaw up off your keyboard, I am capable of such work. When I was making dinner it occurred to me that I must tell the Internet this. The Internet knows my domestic skills lack and I am certain envisions me feeding my family canned ravioli, ramen noodles, and string cheese. However, in the rare chance that I have time, energy, and groceries, I can make a decent meal. As long as I am being honest here, I will admit that Craig cooks dinner more often than I do. I think he considers that job security.
Anyway, I made salad. I love a good salad. I pretty much toss in whatever we have around. In this salad I used some organic greens, a diced green apple, dried cherries, mandarin oranges, feta cheese, pecans, and chicken. Craig loves it when I make dinner like this. He calls it the What Else Are We Having For Dinner Dinner, the That's Not Dinner Dinner, or the I'm Hungry Again 15 Minutes Later Dinner.

As Craig was walking to the other side of the table to sit down, I snapped this picture. Without any advance warning, he suddenly turned around, his elbow making contact with the camera and the camera making some SERIOUS contact with my eye. This was all due to the insane need to prove that I can be domestic. Does a black eye fit in that criteria?
For the record, Craig wants to make sure that I tell the Internet that this was a camera injury. I am a little accident prone and I'm certain it makes him a little nervous about his, errrr, reputation. Two years ago, right after I started a new job, I fell down the stairs. Twice. In one month. You can't blame the guy for being a little cautious.
1 comment:
Oh, crap, my monitor now has a big wet spot on it. MUST stop licking the screen.
That looks SO good.
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