Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Introducing Exhibits A & B

Here is Miss Kate in her Strawberry Shortcake costume. We went vintage Shortcake. Did you know that Shortcake is wearings jeans and a t-shirt these days?

Also, I have the pleasure of introducing you to the giant jawbreakers. The yogurt is there just to give some size comparison. So, they aren't the size of a small child, but they are still huge! Notice the color missing on the blue one? That's from all the licking ...


C. Beth said...

Adorable costume!!! And, yeah, that's some big candy.

Sherry D said...

Seriously, who would pass out candy that size to anyone? Maybe the candy was on clearance at the dollar stores?

Amy said...

At least the size made it impossible for her to choke on it...

Sandra said...

I too am amazed that a mother of many would pass out those huge jaw breakers for Halloween! I can only imagine they must have been on sale.

Anonymous said...

No comment on the color of said ball. Keeping it PG here.

Katie said...

Ooooo she is so cute!

Lia Pearson said...

love the costume!! she is the freaking cutest thing ever!

those jawbreakers would have instantly become a part of the "magic disappearing candy" in my kids trick-or-treat pails. aka 3/4 of the pail of candy that I secretly dump out while they eat their first piece, lol.